DS - Array
DS - Array
From wiki :: is a data structure consisting of collection of elements, identified by at least one array index or key. And the position can be computed from its index tuple by a mathematical formula. Simplest, linear array all called one-dimensional array.
So, actually, they don’t need to be stored at contiguous memory locations. Only need to be contiguous after the Map-function, which is mentioned above as ‘computed’. Also, thought as O(1) indexing. So those Low-level language always keep them simple. Just don’t need that map and easily got it’s element by \(BaseAddress+offset\)
store and select take O(n) space. And waste 0 space.
index take O(1) time. And not able to insert/delete element.
扩展Dope vectors
有意思地的是在翻阅Wiki时发现好像中文互联网上没有关于Dope Vector的有关翻译,而对于array’s descriptor的东西似乎也只有Java部分的, 大概看了一下,其实就就是添加了对于一个Array的Metadata(元数据),从数组元素的元素大小,到元素的数量。 大致可以用作:
- 解决一些Buffer缓冲区攻击(没法越界了)
- 各种数组切片
- 颠倒元素索引 代价是空间复杂度加一个常数。